justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In vino veritas, and Nemo saltat sobrius. So why am I still at home? BGM: "Brain of J" - Pearl Jam "Jade" Aaaah. makes sense. Hence the "jade" in the name, huh? You'd think someone named "justnick" would get it. Oh well. One of those fucking days. I wake up and have a yelling match with my mom because I'm "too sarcastic." Now, obviously this is occasionally true, but no one wants to be told they're anything at all at eight in the morning when they were awake at one. Work was about eight days long, and I made the mistake of letting my boss see me sitting, (heaven forfend) so he was riding me ALL goddamn day. "Nicky! Shift this aisle!" "Um... why?" "There are holes!" "So? We aren't getting any Rockports in until March. Why do we need to put the holes together?" "Why, what-else-you-gotta-do?" "Something useful?" "Fuck off, Nicky." Have I ever mentioned how much I loooooooooove being called 'Nicky'? No? Yeah, that's because I freakin' hate it. And notice the hyphens and punctuation marks? That's because he actually talks like that. So I get home, the house is dark, and deserted. My dad walks in a little later, and I ask him "Hi dad. Where's mom?" "I fired her." "Oh, ok. So hard to find good help these days." "Oh, Nick. The carpet cleaners are coming tommorow, and-" "Don't you dare say I have to wak up early on my day off..." "Well, they're coming at 10:30, that's not too bad." Yeah, sure, when you live on the planet where getting up at 5am to go climb a glacier and ski down it in sub-zero temperatures is considered a vacation it isn't so bad. *sigh* And to top it all off, no one can go out tonight. Come take me away from all this Hoser madness. Excelsior. 6:26 p.m. - 2003-11-27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |