justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I swear I don't know why you guys even bother readin this anymore BGM: "Suicide Blonde" - INXS OK, right now, forever engraved into the boundless memory of the internet, I make a declaration. If in any of my next lives, anyone ever names me 'Parminder', Im'ma frikkin kill 'em. Everyone got it? Good. So let that be a lesson to any of you planning to birth me in the future. So my newest life-affirming piece of writing has been written and summarily destroyed. I don't do life-affirming, it's against my morals. No, I kid, it wasn't really destroyed. It was a piece about the beauty of excess. I was tryong to do one of things where you read something and smile at stuff you would never normally smile at. Anyone following me? No? I get that a lot. It's a fine line, they say, and I'm begginning to think that my particular brand of madness is a far cry from genious in any shape or form. But I digress.... from whatever it was I came here to talk about.... erm... I'm relatively certain there was something. Aah yes, there it is. I have some grey matter left yet, it would appear. (Mental note, debauch harder next weekend, you missed some) [Ed: I enjoy verbing words. Deal, skeezix.] My gramma won't nbeed surgery, it seems. Yes, I know, I never told you she would in the first place, but I figured I'd skip the negatives. Yeah, turns out that the doctors goofed up, and -oopsie- she doesn't really need her appendix out. If there's a family given more reason not to trust doctors, I've never met them. My grandfather was so scared of them he died of a mouth infection if you can believe it. My father woke up halfway through surgery, they wouldnt believe I had athsma when my mom told them I did until I had a near-fatal heart attack, they misperscribed me and I nearly fell into cardiac arrest, they infected me with meningitis instead of your more traditional "vaccine", and I won't even begin to inflict upon you the horrors inflicted upon my sister by "trained professionals". And now this. I tell you, first chance I get, I'm gettin' me a witch-doctor. Excelsior. 10:36 p.m. - 2003-10-27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |