justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.... Get out of my head, Kelis! BGM: "Rock 'N Roll is Fat and Ugly" - Hard Core Logo My name is Nick, and I'm a geekaholic. Self diagnosed. My problem, as I see it, is that I never quite grew out of that seven year old boy escapist phase. Then, it was cute; now? Not so much... they call it geeky now. I call it therapy. You see, when you have the random guilt complex that I was lucky enough to inherit from my everloving mum [Ed: Hi, mom] you take all the escape you can get, otherwise, you fret for no reason over utterly useless things. Today, for instance, I couldn't concentrate because I was feeling so guilty about something that happened at my New Years party. I put on a CD, early on in the night, and I don't think everyone liked it. No one complained or anything, people were dancing, but I can't escape this nagging feeling. What if someone was annoyed by my choice in music?! And so, for this, I feel like a contemptable bastard. I know, I'm utterly insane. Pleased to meet you. So, as you can guess, these are the times when I turn to comic books, and video games, and all kinds of other forms of fantasy. It lets me stretch my imagination, I suppose, and the more pliable my chimera, the farthre from reality I venture. In the skin of a superhero, you see, I am above such petty concerns. If they don't like my music, hell I can vaporize their heads, right? Right. And so this is why I am a Smallville addict. I have vivid fantasies involving Allison Mack, even though she kinda looks like Ellen Degeneres. I admit it freely. I watch it religiously, and cannot sit still while doing so. I pace, talk to the television, and bite my finger nails until the episode is over, at which point I go online and talk on message forums about them. I'm just that sad. I'm one of those forum whores who sits there and argues with other Ubernerds about where it did and didn't venture from the comic book lore. Even I hate people like that. Eventually, however, I run out of message boards to probe. So I look at the fan art, and shake my head at those more obsessed than I, and every once and a while, when I get really desperate, subject myself to the terror that is television show fanfiction. This, dear people, is how I came accross the whole Clex Slash fantasy thing. Ok, I'll admit it, there are some slightly homoerotic moments on that show. Fine. And a video with a love song in the back where Lex and Clark are looking at each other dreamy eyed, spliced from various episodes, is funny the first time-- if perhaps a bit disconcerting in regards to the sanity of the creator. But a picture of Clark and Lex making out, taken from episodes of them kissing Lana and whatsherfacethesluttyseceratary (respectively) and put together, is just horribly sad and makes me slightly ill. Not only is it kinda gross and creepy to imagine those two sucking face, it's gross and creepy thinking how much time the creator put into making that. And how many pubescent girls actually get off on that sort of thing. This has to stop, it really does. And I mean, if you knew anythig at all, you'd know that Lex and Clark end up arch enemies, while Lex goes on to die, get cloned, and the come back to take the presidency of the United States in time for Clark to get a much needed revamp from Jim Lee. God, I mean.... some people. What do they even teach you in school these days? Excelsior. 10:02 p.m. - 2004-01-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |