justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ain't got no future or family tree, but I know what a Prince and Lover ought to be BGM: "Two Princes" - Spin Doctors OK, I'm obsessing. I know. And two entries in a day is a tad excessive. But I can't get it out of my head. I remember, we met after work one day. You looked fantastic, and I was just in my shitty work clothes. No contacts, no gel, no nice clothes, just Nick. and you didn't care at all. We went and had a couple drinks. Kareoke started up and we both started laughing, because it felt like kareoke followed us everywhere we go. You got up and sang. 'Two Princes' by the Spin Doctors. If only you knew how incredibly ironic that would be. We went to dinner, and we talked about poetry, of all things, for about three hours. We only got out of the restaurant after eleven. You got in trouble with your boyfriend. You asked me later what it is that I saw in you, why I was putting so much effort into something like this. I told you it was because of the way you waved cigarette smoke away from my face because you knew I hated it, but didn't want to be rude. I told you it was how no matter how long winded the story I was telling got, you would always be staring at me when I finished, having not missed a single word. It was the way you stared at random things, seeing stuff no one else saw, the eyes of a photographer. I told you it was because no matter what you were doing or who you were with, you would smile and run over every time you saw me. I went on like that for a while, and you didn't say a word for a good minute. 'No one's noticed those things about me before.' You eventually muttred. Eyes of a musician, I suppose. And now, you're back with Theo. Say what you want about how things have turned out now, but there's one thing I know for a fact. That night, you wanted to be with me, not him. That night, you sang to me, not him. That night is something I will never forget. And you know what the almost amusing part is? I will never be able to listen to 'Two Princes' again without feeling pangs of simultaneous sadness and elation.
I mean... of all the damn songs... what's next, ace of base giving me shell shock? Excelsior. 11:00 p.m. - 2004-10-19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |