justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well now you know. And knowing is half the battle BGM: "Sophisticated Bitch" - Public Enemy I was walking home from work today, and it remindd me of this one day last winter. Now, I had been drinking, so I wasn't exactly thinking straight, (you'll notice that most of my stories start like that [Ed: Christmas morning, '88, I was four...]) and I had just hopped off the last bus towards my house. I had been out trying to work my way into Carla's pants, one dollar at a time. Bitch. Anyhoo, at this point the metro (that's subway to you, yank) had stopped running, so I decided to make the trek home rather than hand out my hard-earned prostitution money on a taxi. Well, long story slightly shorter, I got lost. It was cold as a yeti's pooty-hole that day. It was the kind of cold that only people from this climate really understand, the kind that you have to be in a city in the winter time to experience. It was the kind of cold that creeps out of alleyways and gets its groping icy fingers under all your layers, like a drunken lover. Or a coroner, perhaps. It was the kind of cold that makes your tear ducts overflow for no readily apparent reason, and makes breathing feel like deep-throating an icicle, right up to the tippy-tip. After about half an hour of wandering, I looked around and realised something was amiss. Lost. This is great. I'm lost. No I'm Not! I'm fucking exploring, ok? Like Christopher freakin Columbus. Yeah, he was lost too. And look what it got him, though! Well, I don't envision myself stumbling accross any continents any time soon, so I'd say that I'm fucking lost. Yeah, I talk to myself. Yeah, occasionally out loud. Yes, I'm quite insane. I'm ok with that. After about an hour of hopeful wandering, I found myself feeling paranoid, like whatever direction I wasn't looking in was where the creepy gang-bangers were going to come and get me from. Finally, I had to call my dad. He was going to give me directions and then hang up, but my mom screamed at him to come pick m up, so he did. So long as one of us knows where the hell I am, I figured. That neighbourhood always feels to me something like the T-Rex pen must have felt like to those kids in Jurassic Park ever since then. Every time I set foot in there I feel like some monster is going to come and teleport me to some urban labyrinth that there won't be any escape from. That being said, I suppose I should tell you about a day that happened, like... within the last six months, or something. How about today?! Fantastic, glad you agree. I went to work. Yup. Won a bet with Aaron, so now he owes me a coffee. Yup. Three day weekend this weekend, so's I don't get all uppity about the 50-something hour week I have coming up. Yup. And now, I'm off to check my email. Maybe my lady love emailed me. One can only hope. Hiyo, silver,away! Excelsior. 3:33 p.m. - 2003-12-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |