justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give us your tired, your hungry, your deep fried... BGM: "Psychotic Reaction" - Count Five "I'm gonna win today, I can feel it." "Really?" "Totally. It's one in twelve to win, and I've bought about three dozen so far, so I figure I'm due." "Yeah, that's like the Tim Hortons thing. I went to Toronto over the weekend--that's $1.69--and between the five of us we must have had--thanks--about sixteen cups of coffee." "See that's the plan, destroy enough internal organs and you'll win something." [Laughs] "So? You win?" "Naaah. But soon. One of these days, I'm gonna win the grand prize, and you and me are going on vacation." "You got it." So that was the highlight of my day thus far. A quick conversation with a Cashier by my work. Sure, there are more interesting things I could tell you about, considering I've been gone about a month, but hey, where's the fun in predictability? That's something about myself I find somewhat strange. Whe someone asks me what's up, it's never the things that are really up that spring to mind to talk about. Maybe I find beauty in the mundane, or maybe I just live in a world of denial. Hmm. Either way, it makes for an interesting diary, does it not? The state of the world right now is distressing. The simple fact that Arnie was legitimately elected into office as govenor of Califreakinfornia says about all that needs to be said about our particular stage in history. Like, take Clinton. He was a talented enough president, but he got his jim-bob suxx0red in the oval office, so all of a sudden he's cursed to burn in the nine hells. "It's not that he cheated," they say when you point out that just about every president ever has cheated, "it's that he lied. Aaah. Well then. How about lying about Al'Qaida conncetions? WMA's? Everything that ever scomes out his mouth? Naah, that's ok, cause he's kicking people's asses for liberty. There are so many idiotic quotes out there from himn and evidence that the guy is ruining the free world that it's sick, yet he's still gonna win. Cause, hell, he supports the Austrian Californian Govenator. And come on... freedom fries? I hope everybody who thinks that's a good idea chokes to death on some freedom toast. Screw the statue of liberty, we should throw a statue of some fries in the water, that'll inspire balads of the beauty of freedom. I could go on for hours, folks, so I'll stop myself now. And please, for the love of cookies, don't email me telling me why I'm an idiot. It's a fact of which I am already painfully aware, thank you very much. Toodles. Excelsior. 7:09 p.m. - 2004-03-24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |