justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machiavelli, Popeye, whatever BGM: "Loser" - Beck OK,who's seen the new Enrique video? Now, I've never been an Enrique fan, to me he hit his peak in his Menudo days, which was about as high a peak as Joey Lawrence hit. [Ed: Whoa!] All the same, though, at least he casted half naked Uberhotties in his videos. As the man said, though, that's all I can stands and I can't stands n'more. In this latest video, he is in prison, apparently having some mild passion-induced seizure, (worst kind, that) all the while exclaiming his love for his woman in song: "I'm addicted/I'm out of control/but you're the drug/that keeps me from dying." Yeah, that and the poppers you picked up at Staples, right Enrique? I mean, I wouldn't do well in jail, but I think I would have to be in there about twenty minuts before Enrique would start lookin pretty damn good. Buy that boy some nipple clamps and a butt-plug, and you got yourself a bonafide prison carnival, I'd say. And even ignoring the sheer womanliness factor, I think it would take me even less time in the slammer to want to shank the first motherfucker who bursts out into song. And while I'm on the subject, am I the only one who's noticed that the new REM song is just "The End of the World as we Know it" with new lyrics? I really hope not. OK, so maybe I'm a bit of a purist with my music... Moving on to happier tales, though, I think the good people at second cup think I'm retarded. Today went as any typical walk to work does. Pull the push door to get into the coffee place, walk to the counter, turn around when I think I've forgotten my wallet at home, turen BACK when I find out its in the other pocket, freeze when theres no money in it, continue on when I find some change in my other pocket where I looked in the first place, take about ten minutes to count out the correct change cause my brain isnt working, spill my lunch all over the floor, and then leave,pushing on the pull door. It's gotten to the point where they laugh as soon as they see me walk in now. My brain just doesnt work that early in the Am. Oh well, at least as comic relief I make 'em laugh. Excelsior. 6:28 p.m. - 2003-11-25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |