justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - It's funny how when you write something, sometimes the characters that you thought were just kinda secondary end up meaning a lot more to you than the main characters themselves do. And it occurred to me that the reason I had written most of the things I had written was because every single member of my immediate family had to fight to be around today, and fight to keep more or less normal. My sister almost died during her birth. The strength of her femininity was the only thing that saver her, and the thing that has tormented her ever since. Her every day is a war, and a victory, and I know no one wiser. I love her very much. My parents both had to fight against the strongest of societal streams to get to where they have today unharmed and still retaining passion, but they did. And I was very nearly killed by something that very nearly resembled meningitis, and then, incidentally, something that very nearly resembled asthma once or twice. I have been celebrating ever since. The rest, for me, has sometimes lost focus. It is really only their strength and love that has kept me sane. They tell me I am something, so I believe them. And every one of us being so god damn weird, it's just really a wonder that we keep it all in the air, I figure. 1:37 a.m. - 2010-08-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |