justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugs, politics, drama, body switching... hell, even the weather BGM: "Little Green Bag" - George Baker, I think. I know, I know. You've all basically given up on me at this point, but here I am. Go figure. Guess what I did for the first time yesterday? I watched Moulin Rouge. It was fun, but... I swear, it was like watching a Cabaret cast party on Crystal Meth. Sans Liza, that is. Oh, and speaking of horrifying! (thanks for the segway, Liza) Take a look at this: OK, what does that bring to mind to you? Note the inversed flags, the scaffolding. Here's a hint: 'Deutchland Deutchland Uberales...' That's right! Berlin, 1939. I tell you, I have never been more proud I am Canadian. Patriotism that will never be surpassed, I tell you. Well, unless Arnie gets sworn in. That will be classic. So I was occupying my mind as best I could at work the other day, when I had an odd thought. I wondered to myself what music would be like if you made a few choice alterations among the leaders in the field. Imagine, for instance, if Marvin Gaye had been born with the voice of Neil Young. Or If 'X-Tina' had the body of Rita Mcneil. That would alter some careers, I should think. I was sitting at the table this morning when I notiecd the snow falling. "Ooh, it must be getting milder finally." I said. Only in this god-forsaken climate would snow be a sign of getting warm. Hey! It isnt too cold to snow anymore! Bust out the swim trunks! Only in my family would this happen. I'm sitting here at the computer, listenning to some oldies, when suddenly my computer speakers get drowned out. Curious, I think. Heavy Metal music. not mine, I don't recognise that. I think to myself. So then who...? Upon investigation, my mom was just mellowing out on a saturday evening to the easy breezy sounds of death metal. My family rules. OK, enough stalling. Let's do what we came here for. Therapy time, people, consider yourselves my counselors. Ginny and Marco are dating. Marco is a friend of mine, and-- don't get me wrong-- I love the guy. Ginny is my closest friend. We are closer than I've ever been with almost anyone, and I wouldn't make it without her. We know stuff about each other that no one else in the world knows. Etc etc etc, bla bla bla, you get the point. All this is to say, two friends of mine, wonderful people, both dating. So you'd think it would be great, ne c'est pas? Well, maybe it is for them, sure. But it isn't. It bothers me. It really, really, really, bothers me. One thing is that I get far less attention from her when shes dating someone, fine. Standard jealousy, that I can deal with. Another, though, is that I know how he is with women. If she hadn't agreed to date him, he'd be head over heels with some other girl. And, to quote him, "if Nick wasn't dating E, I'd be going after her." It's not that I don't trust the guy, because I do. It's not that I don't like him, either, because I do. It's not that I'm unhappy in my own relationship, because I'm not. I just wish he didn't have to go for my freaking best friend. She's going to date people, obviously, so shouldn't you be happy that it's one of your friends? You think to yourself. No, goddamnit. I don't care when she's dating these random dudes, except when they're assholes. But dating Marco? I was happy in my little bubble; great girlfriend, good guy friends (*waves to Alex*), and ginny, my partener in crime, and living proof that 'ladies is pimps, too'. She would go out with whoever she was dating, I would too, and we would go out, dance, have a beer, and compare notes later on. We would stay up until all hours of the morning laughing our asses off, hang out the next day, and then resume our lives, both feeling much more sane for the company. And what are the chances Marco's gonna let his girlfriend crash at my house? Without wanting to call every ten minutes? Thought so. Everything changes when I'm stuck in the middle like this. As it is, both of them do the same routine. Whe theres a problem, they want me to do reconnaisance for them, and I know absolutely everything that goes on. But when things are going ok, I get the silent treatment. Sigh. I don't mind her dating anyone when I think of them as 'Ginny's boyfriend' and Ginny is still just Ginny. But when Ginny's boyfriend Marco' used to be just 'Marco' and all of a sudden Ginny isn't just Ginny, shes Marco's girlfriend Ginny'... well, that just plain sucks. ...Serenity now... OK... I apologise for that. If any of you actually bothered to read this far, I salute you, and promise we will return to our regularly sheduled meaningless rants next time. ...Whenever that may be. Excelsior. 7:13 p.m. - 2005-01-27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |