justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body BGM: "Tommorow's another day" - MxPx I get harassed a lot about my taste in music. I like a lot of music, as my "BGM" list will tell you, and it seems no one really fully agrees with any of it. But the one thing I get harassed about the most is my... as my friends so gently put it... "dyke-punk". I like the Donnas, and I like The Distillers. I like The Distillers a lot. In fact, I've dedicated a greater portion of the last few years in hero worship of Tim Armstrong. If you don't know who that is consider yourself an uneducated sod and go look it up. I mean, the girl punks who enjoy it think I'm a weirdo and a poser for "elaiming" to enjoy it, and everyone who doesn't like them, which is just about everyone else, think's I'm insane for liking them. No respect, I tell you. So it's been a really long time, and I have a lot to tell you. I'm going to forget most of it though, so be warned. Well yesterday it was My Grandmother's 80th Birthday, and I was actually surprised by how much fun the party was. I saw six 80+ year olds dancing to House of Pain and stuff like that. Nuff said. After that, Stacie and I went to a thing for one of her friend's birthdays, which sucked. Here was the conversation I had with the Birthday girl: "Hi!" "Hey." "How are you?" "Yeah, thanks for remembering my birthday." In case you didnt guess, that last part was very sarcastic. I wanted to slap the b'yatch. What's with the attitude? I obviously knew it was her birthday, what else was I doing there? I mean, she was supposed to say "Good, you?" And then I would say "Good, Happy Birthday!" But no. Women are dumb. Anyway, other stuff happened that might be interesting or important, but I don't feel like typing it all. Today didnt have to be this way. / Tommorow is another day. / Another chance to make things right. / Another chance to live your life. / Only... you don't want to. Story of my life, eh chillins? Excelsior. 3:00 p.m. - 2003-04-06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |