justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neuroses and Narcotics. Welcome to my life. BGM: "Off With His Head" - Big Pun Well, are we all ready for some inane rambling? Well then saddle up, boys and girls, cause here we go. I got hit by one of my signature random bouts of depression today. I was feeling ok, and then I started interacting with the world around me. For once in my life, I don't feel like talking about it, but suffice it to say I feel very unloved. Don't worry, I'm just being a neurotic drama queen. In case you haven't noticed, I have a victim complex, and I think I might be slightly bipolar. I share that American fascination of putting names on the general fuckedupness of my brain. I'm feeling lonely and very much unloved and underappreciated. If I have any insane internet stalkers, they should come over right now, cause I could really use hug. So anyway, I was all set for yet another zany adventure tonight, but all my friends told me to give it up. They're all too lazy to travel "all the way" to my house. Now, I won't mention the fact that I visit them all the freaking time and if I ever say I don't feel like it I get BITCHED OUT FOR NO FLIPPING REASON CAUSE THEY'RE ALL HYPOCRITES AND I WANT NEW FRIENDS CAUSE MINE SUCK AND--AND--GIVE THEM THE BROKEN FACE!!!! I won't mention that. Cause that would just be being bitter. I once again had the house to myself tonight, and for the first time in a while, I'm feeling so desperately lonely that I wish I had gone with my parents. I am trying very hard not to turn to substance abuse to solve my problems. It's damn hard, though. Consider this my cry for help. Someone hand me a towel, cause I'm done wallowing in my own self pity. Excelsior. 1:14 a.m. - 2003-01-12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |