justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mack my knife, baby BGM: "Mack The Knife" - Bobby Darrin I think I was Bobby Darrin in a past life. Well, I actually don't believe in reincarnation, but I want to believe that. You know what I mean? Probably not. I'm kinda messed up. So it's time for New Years resolutions. A bit late, I know, but I don't usually do it at all. I consider this an improvement. I made two resolutions, the first of which is to go to class. That should work out. The second one is to say exactly what's on my mind whenever possible. I tried it out last night, and it worked fantastically. People are a lot harder to offend than I thought. For instance, I saw this girl that went to my high school last night, and she's incredibly annoying. At some point in the last little while, though, she got hot. Like, really hot. So anyhoo, she asked me to dance, and while we're dancing, she says to me, "if two years ago, someone said to you you'd be dancing with me at a bar..." so I replied "I wouldn't have believed 'em" "why not?" So I decided I was sticking to this resolution and said "Well, 'cause you weren't this hot two years ago." Now, I was bracing myself for a slap, but I got a kiss on the cheek and an opportunity to grind with the hot girl instead. Who knew girls were that easy to please? I still haven't decided what to do about this girl who gave me "the look". I would enjoy doing the matress rhumba with her, but I know all her friends would destroy me if I ever did anything to hurt her, and while I don't plan on hurting her... let's face it, I'm an 18 year old guy. I'm stupid. It's bound to happen. All I really need to decide, I suppose, is if I really like her or if I just think I do. I feel like a grade eighter. "Do you LIKE him like him, or do you just like him?" Why do girls think that saying the same word twice it changes the meaning? It's like, "is it BIG big, or just big?" "Is he CUTE cute, or just cute?" What if he's cute cute CUTE? What would that mean? Some kind of imbalance in the universe, I suppose. Men just aren't designed to understand the many secrets of the female. Frankly I don't think I want to. But yeah, so I went back to my old ways of telling people exactly what I think all the time. It used to get me in trouble a lot, but at least I was consistant. I like that more than the lying, you know? So brace yourself, world, I'm back. Look out, old Mackie is back. Excelsior. 4:03 p.m. - 2003-01-10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |