justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merry Christmas, Billy Joel! BGM: "Fr The Longest Time" - Billy Joel Call me a traitor to my indie roots if you like, but Billy Joel made some damn catchy tunes. Stop laughing, damnit. I defy you to listen to "for the longest time" without snapping your fingers or singing or something. I defy you. Anyway, so I was looking around the attick today and I came accross some stuff I hadn't seen in quite a while. When I was three I was just about the cutest human being who had ever graced the planet. My head was huge. I was in some adds and stuff, and I found some of them in the attick. One is me on the floor taking off suspiciously clean galoshes and smiling for no apparent reason. I was selling linolium, I think. They still use that add today, I'll have you know. I'm not getting any royalties, though. Maybe my dad's been scamming me. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that the powers that be made me that cute as a child so that my parents wouldn't flogg me to death with one of my own dismembered appendages. I watched some home movies and holy wow I was also the brattiest child to ever grace the Earth. But looking back at how damn cute I was I have to notice... oh how the mighty have fallen, hmm? So now I've gotten myself in the oldies mood with all the home movies. I tell you you should be in my house, it's a Doo-Wop-A-Go-Go. I composed my list of my five favorite bands for the time being, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the face of the planet who would have the Beach Boys, Rancid, ACDC, Pearl Jam, and The Clash on the same list...but hell, they were all damn talented. And I'll thank you not to judge me. It's the holidays, and we all know what that means: family family and more family. Maybe I'm the only one, but I really dread spending time with my family. It's not that I don't like them, because I do, it's just that I hate having to be on good behaviour. It seems the only constants in the universe are death, taxes, the laws of physics and my family being far too well behaved. Oh well, the universe is expanding, stars are collapsing, death and taxes are constant, but the holidays only come once a year, and for that I thank my lucky collapsing stars. So! All you christians have a merry Christmas. All you jews have a happy Chanukah. All you..uh...Africans? Sorry...have a Kwazy Kwanza. All you pagans have a super solstice. All you Castanzas have a fantastic Festivus, and all you athiests like me have fun collecting gifts for no good reason. I know there's another holiday in there that starts with an M, but I forget what it is. And yes, I know both Chanukah and the solstice are over, I'm just trying to be nice here. Happy holidays, you critical bastard. Excelsior. *Whooooooooa, for the longest time... whoooooooooa, for the longest time...* 3:01 p.m. - 2002-12-24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |