justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't look at me, you're the one who wanted an update BGM: "Doom" - Jurrassic 5 You get burned enough times, eventually you learn to keep your hand the fuck out of the fire, you know? So the Apocalypse is coming. Yes, again. Why, you ask? Because Anne fucking Rice found Jesus fucking Christ. [Ed: Ooohh, Blasphemy. Edgy!] That's like Ashley Simpson finding Perfect Pitch, or something. You gotta figure though, Jesus freak or not, Anne Rice's God has got to be the 'Fire and Brimstone, flaming death from above' type God, not the 'Forgiveness and puppydogs' type God. There's a lot of very conflicted Cure groupies out there, I'd wager. Robert Smith should convert to Utilitarianism or something, and just make everyone's lives a lot simpler. Just make it a whole emo-goth paradigm shift, why not. I found a couple of my CD's from High School that I had forgotten about, and man is that a trip. It's weird how much your tastes can change in a few years. Actually, scratch that, let's call it evolving, hmm? That being said, I found a couple of my old Strung Out albums, and I've been listenning to them a hell of a lot lately. Novacain is my favorite song I had forgotten existed. Alex had a party last Saturday, and I got to kinda be DJ for the evening. I've been in charge of music for a bunch of parties before, but this one was a challenge because Alex claimed his friends don't dance. Mister, if I can get my gramma's 80th birthday hoppin', I can get your work friends going. As soon as he told me he didnt want dance music, that's basically what went through my head. And long story short, dance they did. Bouya. So yeah, DJNY avaliable to rock your party/wife/sister 's socks off. For those of you wondering, yes, my life is actually more exciting than this. I just tend not to talk about it here. I was waiting until I had something interesting to say before updating, but the natives are getting restless, so here I am. Actually, I updated twice since the Gwen Stefani thing, but I deleted both of them. All this is to say, I'm not as boring as I m ust seem. And on that note: I got new glasses! They have clip-ons! WHOA! 2:20 p.m. - 2005-11-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |