justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasted my childhood He-Man: Even as a child, I remember thinking there was something fishy about our friend, Prince Adam of Eternia. Now, looking back, I can put my finger on it. "Fabulous secret powers were revealed the day I held aloft my magic sword and said: 'By the power of Greyskull, I have the power!'" ...I can see how that would happen, yeah. I'll bet that spawned a new craze of holding things in the air and exclaiming that you have the power of your parents living room, to dissapointing results. Or maybe that was just me. When I was little, my sister got so jealous at how much fun I had playing He-Man that she started saying she was "He-Girl". No joke. Now, she just gets jealous at how much fun I have calling her "He-Girl". Muppet Babies: So, I have long said that they got the idea for Jar-Jar Binks (and by long time, I mean just now) from Gonzo and/or Grover. I mean, Grover did his share of learnin', but what did Gonzo really bring to the table besides a creepy chicken fetish? Take the theme song, for example, when they all scream out what they like to do for fun. "...I like adventure. I like romance. I love great jokes! Animal dance! I've got my computer. I'll flip through the air. I'll play the piano. And I've got blue hair!" Yeah, thanks, Gonzo. Valid contribution. Couldn't see that for myself. Pole Position: Cartoons always instilled some really bad ideas in my head as a child. I remember watching Pole position and quietly contemplating causing my parents death to see if I inherited and kind of secret governmental position and Knight-rider-esque super car. "From now on, like your parents, you are the secret force known as 'Pole Position'!" I ddn't know, until watching that show, that super spy positions were hereditary. Certanly does explain "James Bond Jr.", though. (No one can stop him, but S.C.U.M. always tries...) In retrospect, however, I have some vague objections to giving a children's television show a name that sounds like something you need to adjust mid-coitus. The Smurfs: That's 'Stroumph' to all you Belgians out there. Yeah, I'm huge in Belgium. I really wanted to avoid this one, but the need to point it out is simply greater than I am. "Smurf along with me, Smurf the whole day long, just Smurf yourself a grin." Way too obvious, but I had to. OK, two more and then I'll let you all return to your days. You know what's 'truly outrageous', Jem? That HAIR. Snap. And finally, I don't care what anyone says, Johnny Quest was a damn racist. Sim Sim Salla Bim my ass. Excelsior. 3:47 p.m. - 2006-11-07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |