justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next year I want a pony BGM: "Free Nelson Mandella" - The Specials ...because I'm nothing if not timely. OK, party people in the place to be, throw your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care, (I've tried that with other body parts, and that's the only one that goes over well in public) because it's that time again. That's right, folks, another birthday has come and gone, and your favourite internet wordsmith is yet another year older. And coincidentally, so am I. So what has the last year brought me? Actually, a whole hell of a lot. I'm back in school, I actually passed everything, and I got published. What does the next year hold for me? Well, probably a whole hell of a lot more. I'm (probably) going to be editing one of the University papers, I'm moving into my own place on August first, (you're all invited to the housewarming) more school, more work, and possibly an internship at some TV show or other. The core classes I'm taking are all rather dull and unimpressive, but the electives, let me tell you, are something else. Get this: I have four electives, right? One of them I took because it's an online class, "AIDS," and acronym or no, I still find any class written entirely in capital letters a smidgen foreboding. The second is "telling stories," and if I can't get an A in 'telling stories' then something is seriously wrong. Class the third is "Rock and Roll and its Roots" which should be bitchin awesome cool, and finally, this one is my favourite, I have a class called "Frank Zappa: musician and social critic." There is actually a class about Frank Zappa. It will serve no purpose whatsoever in the real world, but woe to any poor souls who decide to bring up Frank Zappa in conversation next summer. Consider yourselves warned. I'm still waiting for that "Advanced Lego Skills" Class to be created. I'll be the first to sign up. Oh, and while I'm here, a personal note to Transformers Movie Director Michael Bay: OMFG OPTIMUS PRIME IS A FUCKING 18 WHEELER NOT A FUCKING FIRETRUCK WTF AND BUMBLEBEE IS A BUG NOT A CAMARO THATS WHY THEY FUCKING CALL HIM BUMBLEBEE YOU CUMSTAIN WTFLOL SROUSLY KTHXBYE!!!11!1111 When you fuck with Optimus Prime you fuck with the nerds of the world, Michael Bay, and that's a fight you don't want to start. Because we control the internet, god dammit, and the internet controls the people. And we do not take such blasphemies lightly. Consider yourself wanred. ....fucking firetruck! Seriously! Excelsior. 3:34 p.m. - 2006-07-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |