justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll take you to The Hop, baby, when your skin clears up In fuck da police news, a young man was fined $428 for making a comment to police that they didn't like about recent riots in Montreal North. Apparently free speech is a commodity sold by the government now. Why, in my day, when you said something mouthy to an official they just beat the crap out of you. So, I managed to get a bug bite of some kind on my fucking eye, which is just as inconvinient as it sounds. It's the second most annoying bug bite I ever had. I won't subject you to the details, but suffice it to say that there are some bugs out there whom are far more adventurous than any of my ex girlfriends have ever been. Upon watching forgetting Sarah Marshall (LTTP, I know), I'm left with a couple thoughts. First: I don't have nearly enough fat hawaiian friends. Hell, I'll even settle for fat and Japanese, as long as he's zen fat or funny fat, not scary fat or smelly fat or gangster fat. Know what I'm saying? Secondly, if Mila Kunis has genuine acting talent, why the hell hasn't she used it up until now? It makes no sense. She's an actual actor in this movie. An actor who acts, no less! Whereas she usually just... well, she's usually just bad, you know? And rarely attractive enough to justify the percieved lack of talent. In this one, though, she's both stunningly attractive and a natural presence onscreen, which is weird, because usually she's unconvincing at best. Maybe the more believable a person is as a character, the more physically attractive they seem to be. Body language and all that. I suppose that says something about self confidence in general, but let's get back on track. Oh, and my favourite line? "Because he's a man like anyone else, he just wants to be loved. You know? And every time he gets close to a human woman he ends up smothering and killing her. Which is a feeling I am familiar with. What?" You and me both, brother. You and me both. Claire: zowie me: heyo Claire: zo i'm back me: welcome home Claire: teehee, you dork me: Invalid! Claire: WOAH! me: lol Claire: cute schmoot, i'll FIGHT you. me: you always do Claire: you know it, geekpants me: Agreed Claire: and eat terribly me: sorry, Im on a diet Claire: what'll the theme be? me: ...... Claire: well, i was momentarily concerned that you'd gotten stupid me: Haha. well, possibly, but not regarding that Claire: no kidding? what'd he say? me: oh, all kinds of things. How he noticed the weight Id gained, how "I see how you eat, man. This morning: cheese sandwich? White Bread? You know how bad for you that is?" Claire: yeah, well that shit is bad for you me: thanks, I got that, yeah Claire: haha me: Jesus christ, its fucking CHEESE Claire: is it good cheese? me: when did the world go so crazy Claire: hey, woah, i'm not crazy! me: I was eating the white bread because it was a leftover hamburger bun Claire: oh, well whatever then me: even if I didnt? Claire: hahaha me: Its not like Im eating arsenic Claire: indeed, with all it's weight-inducing qualities me: we all put radioactive cell phones beside our brains and breathe in toxic fumes from the giant bombs we ride in all day, and its the goddamn quality of grains that people give me a hard time about Claire: yes me: tuesday Claire: I dig it me: i dunno Claire: nope me: oi Claire: gangs of new york and there will be blood me: gangs of new york was mediocre at best, and there will be blood was an experiment in the human capacity for enduring discomfort in the name of art Claire: oh fuck off me: no, Tom Yorke's soundtrack was a pain Claire: i'm going to bite your shins me: LOOK HOW MANY DISSONANT VIOLAS I CAN FIT INTO THREE MINUTES OF SONG! I AM AN ARTIST! Claire: why don't you create something? eh? me: How in the fuck was that soundtrack original Claire: you trying to figure out composition with four separate personalities! me: excuses. He gets paid millions of dollars, he should damn well deliver Claire: oh shut up me: Its true! Its not like the guy is doing it for a charitable cause Claire: jesus christ nick me: why? Claire: because you're a seething critic me: I calls 'em like I see's 'em Claire: well i have to sleep now me: you write one negative thing about radiohead and the hipster mafia comes to kill you Claire: oh hush me: and? did it expand your consciousness? Claire: i will not dignify that, you a-hole me: You love me Claire: spoo. 1:04 a.m. - 2008-08-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |