justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It Came from Dimension X: The Gonads from Space! (Starring Hillary Duff) BGM: "Mama Told Me Not to Come" - Three Dog Night Want to know what's wrong with the world today? My good people, I'll tell you exactly what's wrong with the world. Any argument whatsoever someone might present me with in favour of western capitalist society can be rebuffed with the following completely factual statement: Hillary Duff has a multi-Platinum selling album. If ever I begin to have faith in humanity, someone remind me of this, and I promise I'll shut right up and get back on the disgruntled socialist bandwagon. Go to hell, you little blonde harpy. So I was off reading mastrbateme's page, [Ed: still too lazy to add the link] and let me tell you, that latest entry is inspired. Proves two things to me about girls. One is that you're all crazy. Second is something I've always theorised, but never really been able to prove until just now: You don't listen to a word we're saying unless we're complimenting you, and telling you we miss you. The rest of it is just to keep us on our toes. And now, for something completely different. I was working today, and I almost had a heart attack. There was this girl at Dawson, you see, who was impossibly hot. She was one of those girls who looks like she must have been assembled in a warehouse somewhere, from the parts of lesser women. [Ed: Gentlemen, we have th technology.] The type that you keep finding excuses to look over at in class. Well, she came to Tony's today. ...With her TWIN SISTER!!! Weepin' Jesus on the Cross, I swear my genitals almost imploded themselves into another dimension, they were so overwhelmed. There's just no way to prepare your mind for something like that. That is like... the holy grail of hot. No... two holy grails of hot! It's the kind of thing that makes you want to turn in your status as elligeable bachelor and just marry an ugly girl who can cook. Cause frankly, you might as well just give it up now. Aint hapenin', cowboy. Oh, and I updated my profile to include the AIM name. I figure since I have it, I might as well have someone to talk to. So add me. Because hey, you never know: I just might have a twin brother. Excelsior. 8:14 p.m. - 2004-07-23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |