justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excplicit content, motherfuckers -OR- Concerning Nipples I gotta feeling too, Fergie. I feel like you guys are getting desperate. Although hey, the whole "assless chaps" thing worked for Xtina, so what do I know. Kudos on working in 'L'Chiam' to a club track, though. Oh, and a nipple. I've always been a fan of their work. And you know they're just going to take that part out of the video before it hits air. I mean, I won't try to argue the artistic merit of the tit-flash, but by what pattern of thought is seeing a lady's nipple-which we all ate from at one point in our lives, by the way-more harmful to a child than seeing her shake her ass in the camera? Seriously, why do they censor nudity on TV? It makes no sense whatsoever. It's not like you're surprising anyone, we've all seen naked people from the first day of our lives. And let's be real: there is not one solitary soul on the planet (OK, maybe a few) who don't like seeing a pretty person (of whatever sex they happen to be into) starkers. What's the perceived harm? Kids, upon seeing some naked lady on TV, are going to skip the awkward phase and go right to home base? Isn't that what sex ed is supposed to be for? Well, as someone who was once a teenage boy (this just in), I can only say three things about it definitively: -EVERYONE is goddamn awkward when they're a teenager, nothing you put on TV will get rid of the awkward phase. Except the people who peak in high school, but they're going to be miserable for the rest of their lives anyway, so you might as well let them have their fun. -Teenage girls do not give it up as easy as the pictures on their myspace page would have you believe, braintrust at the censorship bureau. The only ones who do are the ones who have parents that are way to strict or completely ignore them. And that's a cry for attention, not 'cause they saw it on TV. Remember: you can't rebel against something unless you know you're not supposed to. -Teenagers will find pornography no matter what you do. You could lock every nipple in the planet up in fort Knox, and suddenly every hormonal child between twelve and nineteen will become a master safe-cracker. It's the same as the prohibition argument: you hide the booze, and people won't stop drinking it, they'll just go to illicit places to find it, which not only puts them in danger when they don't know what they're doing, but makes them resent government, and puts all the power and profit in the hands of organized crime. It's the same for drugs (heroin is 600% cheaper now than before it was illegal. No, seriously), and it's the same for porn. Not that we have massive Colombian porn cartels or anything, but the internet is the goddamn wild west. If all a horny fourteen year old had to do to get his jollies was switch on the old TV when his parents were still at work, he wouldn't be on the internet, getting all kinds of viruses, sexing up his/her myspace page, and attracting sexual predators. I live in Montreal, right? The drinking age here is 18, and even then, isn't taken very seriously. You can always tell the tourists in the bar, because they act like they're at a Bar Mitzvah. Because alcohol has been the forbidden fruit their entire lives. My parents were reasonable about it. I could have a glass of wine with dinner, if I mowed the lawn, I could have a beer with my dad after. That way I didn't go ballistic and dink myself into a coma the first time I had exposure. If the first time you experiment with something is with loved ones, in a controlled environment, chances are you'll be responsible about it yourself. But if the first time you have a drink is in college, surrounded by your peers at a Frosh party, of course you're going to go crazy. And it's the exact same thing with sex. Which isn't to say you should do it in front of your family at the dinner table or something, because that would be icky as all get-out, but if we spend the first twelve years of a child's life convincing them that sexuality is filthy and evil and no one should be exposed to it on television, and then they hit twelve years old or so and suddenly it's all they can think about, they're going to be goddamn conflicted about it! That's why we all have freaking issues! Violence? No problem, get in a fight, boys will be boys. Bring a gun to school? Oh, he learned it from those vile, reprehensible video games. Explosions and decapitations and guns are all over TV. But the female breast? Get it away! Lock it up! Get your torches and pitchforks, ladies and gentlemen! ....which is to say, cool video, Black Eyed Peas.
3:11 p.m. - 2009-06-10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |