justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Put your Norton Anthologies up in the air, and wave 'em like you just don't care I love rainy days. I know it's supposed to be one of the signs of being manic depressive or a serial killer or something, but honestly, they cheer me up. It's like being frozen in time. The nights feel eternal when you can hear the rain on your window, and the days never really get started. No pressure to be productive. No one blames you for being lazy when it's pouring outside. You don't even really feel bad. If you're working you take it slow, and if you're at home, you tend to do things you wouldn't otherwise think of. Read that book you've been ignoring, watch that weird documentary, that sort of thing. It's like being completely and utterly alone, like, end of the world kind of alone, and call me a sociopath, but I find that therapeutic. I always have loved the water. Maybe I'm nuts, maybe it's cause I'm an island boy through and through, or maybe the astrologists have something after all, and it's 'cause I'm a water sign, but whatever it is, days like this feel a lot more like vacation than the sunny ones for me. Oh, and the 'g' key on my keyboard is way too sensitive. Ninety per cent of the typos I correct are errant g's in words that don't ordinarily have them. I guess 'too sensitive' is a little harsh. Over enthusiastic. Don't want to hurt any feelings here. Oh, and 'Errant G's' would make a kick-ass rap group. Shakespeare, y'all. Get down wit' it. Excelsior. 12:37 p.m. - 2009-06-09 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |