justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \"Pretty kettle fish remind me of you...\" BGM: "More than a feeling" - Boston When you're sleep deprived, and I mean really sleepdeprived, not just the usual kind, and slightly inebriated, the world is in a haze. "Lindsey says: dont die until i get to have my way with you." Aaaaaaaaah, nostalgia. You know, I've come to a conclusion, though. Beer has destroyed my once golden wit. It's been reduced to like... bronze or something. Oh well. I think I've finally began to swing out of this depression. I meditated for a few hours today, and listened to that message again, I had to save it, and I felt a little better. Opened again, sortof. And now I find myself actually enjoying music again, which is nice. Doesn't always just make me think of him. That's why I put this song on. Its got a cool guitar part, if simple. OK, I'm gonna go dance around my basement half naked to really loud music, and just generally look like an idiot. But hey, who's watching. Excelsior. 3:25 p.m. - 2003-09-21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |