justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a menagerie of produce-themed illegitemate children whose parents listen to whitesnake out there BGM: "Beer" - Reel Big Fish So I'm sitting in the basement, getting high off the paint fumes, and waiting for some drug induced inspiration. I could write the next naked lunch, but without all the homoeroticism. Well, without most of it. Or I could get way too high, and do something insane like... I dunno, name my baby 'Apple,' or something. Take that, academy award winning rich actress, married to a rock star. Alright alright, permit me to explain. There's a guy painting my house. ....OK, so I'm not big on explanations. I don't know, I'm trying to find something to talk about here. I could bitch about gettin' kicked to the corner, but nay. You've heard it all before, and I'm not one for drama. I could talk about work! ...No, I'll spare you. OK then, how about I talk about the weekend I've got coming up. Apparently Friday is the big birthday bash for Marco Mysisterishot. [Ed: It's Polish, I think.] He's getting us loaded and bringing us back to a hotel... hmmm.... ought to bring me back to my glory days as a Whitesnake roadie. And then SUNDAY! Well, that's drunk day. Also known as Wednesday, but this time it's on a Sunday, because it's St Patrick's day. You following me here? OK, I'm officially out of things to rant about that won't get me angry phone calls. I promise a longer entry next time, but there are lesbians in a hot tub on the WB. Alas, my one weakness. Excelsior. 11:32 p.m. - 2005-03-08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |