justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, the Trials and Tribulations of Manhood You girls just don't know how good you got it. Here's a hypothetical for you: You meet a girl somewhere. You've seen her in class, she's cute. You'd like to get her number. First thing you do is introduce yourself, right? Your name is, her name is. Then you try to be as charming as possible for a while. Finally, the moment is right, and you ask for her number. Trouble is, by the time the conversation has gone far enough that you can ask her for her number, you've completely forgotten what her name is, and it's not like you can ask her what her name is again AFTER getting her number. So you put it in your phone under 'girl from sociology class,' and wonder what to do. You try to remember, of course, but you can't, so you run a few guesses through facebook, and get nothing. "Was it Ana? I think it was Ana. She looked German, that could be right." But you aren't going to call her that because you might be wrong. You can call up and ask to meet for coffee or a drink and hope to get a look at her ID or something when she takes out her wallet. There's a couple scams we've all run once or twice, of course. You get a friend to walk in and introduce themselves so she has no choice but to say her name. But it's risky, and you still need to get through that first phone call without letting it slip that you have no idea what her name is. You can call, and pray to get the answering machine, but what if she answers? There's always the option of just forgetting the whole thing, but then you've just become another one of those boys who gets a number and never calls. What do you do, ladies? What do you do? 4:24 p.m. - 2009-04-10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |