justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A while ago, my dad tried to talk me into traveling somewhere when I graduate. At first it seemed like a far fetched, slightly wasteful, slightly intimidating idea. Ever since, though, it's been working its way into my head, and now I have a full fledged fantasy. I want one of those writer's getaways. I want to go to a secluded cabin by a beach somewhere, with nothing but a guitar, a laptop to write on (typewriter seems wasteful), maybe a phone line, and access to a place to buy food and booze. I can't envision myself sitting somewhere writing without developing a taste for some obscure hooch. Ideally, of course, I would have a like-minded friend with me. Ginny, but she's got a job. Jeff, but he's broke and has a girlfriend. Rob, but he can't be too far away from planes. My sister, but she has a life to live and all that. Actually, I suppose the ideal would be to do it with a girlfriend, but even MY fantasies have their limits. They have to be remotely based in reality. I could settle on being by myself, as long as I had a phone line, or maybe some limited internet access. I would spend the day walking on the beach, swimming, writing, and playing guitar. I would make a fire at night, read, and maybe watch some movie on my laptop. I would come back tanned, thinner, and enlightened. All that writing and walking on the beach, you know. Of course, everyone who has an idyllic little tropical cabin probably isn't renting it out for anything I could afford, but it's my fantasy all the same. I guess it's just not in my nature to dream small. 1:04 a.m. - 2009-03-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |