justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homework is for lesbians Hey, dude? I was just wondering if I-- ...what? Are you listenning to Melissa Etheridge? What? No! Does this sound like Melissa Etheridge to you? Well are you listenning to a Melissa Eteridge cover? No, I am not listenning to a Melissa Etheridge cover, I am listenning to a song that Melissa Etheridge covered! ...riiiight. There's a difference! What are you, a lesbian now? Fuck you. You've got the hair already. Yeah, and you're the definition of masculinity. And Melissa Etheridge is a lesbian anyway, so that doesn't even make sense. True. She's probably got more testosterone than the both of us combined. You can't make fun of Melissa Etheridge, she has cancer. HAD cancer. She's fine now. That makes her fair game. She's still a victim! Big deal, I had meningitis when I was a kid, does that mean you can't make fun of me? No, because you're a dickhead. And that makes ME fair game. Right. Don't you have homework to do? That's what I was doing! No, it looks to me like you were listenning to Melissa Etheridge. This isn't even an Etheridge song in the first place! I can't do both? I don't know, when I put lesbians and computers together, I don't usually think of productive essay writing. Melissa Etheridge is not porn! And if she was, who would watch? Look, the song's over now, OK? Now can you leave me alone? And I suppose the evil Winamp goblins put that song on in the first place? It's on random! They only downloaded it, then? It's one song! It's OK if you're an Etheridge fan, man, it takes a lot of courage to come out of the closet. It's the only song I have! And it isn't even her song, she just covered it! I'm not a closet Etheridge fan! Fuck! Just let me do my homework! You know what's funny? ...What? I think we've said the words "Melissa Etheridge" more in the last two minutes than the rest of our lives combined. heh. Yeah, that's true. Well, not counting the mantras you repeat every night in front of your shrine, that is. I hate you. No you don't. Can I do my homework now? I ain't stopping you. 6:56 p.m. - 2006-02-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |