justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after I die, I want them to make my life into a Rock-Opera So I went to a wedding in Colorado. Denver, to be precise. I met a cool girl, she was unfortunately from Nebraska, however. We'll be in touch, but not the kind of touch I would like if ya catch my drift. (nudge nudge wink wink say n'more) Anyhoo, suffice it to say my fanily knows how to party. Hot damn, am I proud of my cousin. His new wife is a hottie and a half. Foxie momma. And she's loaded, too. The wedding cost her parents over 200k. Can you imagine that? There was a frikkin ice carved martini luge there. This is going to be a short one, folks, it's late. So in summary, I sang, I danced, I drank, and engaged in much general debauchery. So to the rest of my soldier comerades stationed in the trenches of the war against boredom, with a salute, I bid you adieu. I mean, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't eat meat, and die anyway. Y'know? Nemo Soltat Sobrius. 'Sober men don't dance' Excelsior. 1:42 a.m. - 2003-06-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |