justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm gettin' bugged drivin' up and down the same ol' strip BGM: "Everything she does is Magic" - The Police Have I ever mentioned how much I love that song? Because I do. In case you haven't guessed by my previous entries, I have a very wide taste in music. As far as I'm concerned, every genre has at least a few good songs in it, expect disco. Or any song written by anyone named Niel. I saw The Grammy's Sunday and they had Costello, The Boss, That guy from Foo Nirvana, and VanZant, or however the hell you spell it, playing "London Calling" in honor of Joe Strummer. It was pretty cool. Made me think how much more hardcore those four guys would be if they hadn't gone pansy. Remember back in the day when Grohl was in Nirvana and Costello was considered a Punk Prodigy, and the boss was... well, you know cool? Oh, and Van whatever wasn't a TV gangster. (He plays Paulie on the Sopranos. Yes, that's Bruce Springstien's guitarist) Props to Max Wineberg for getting a decent gig, though. Anyway, I had a pretty cool day. For once, I woke up feeling rested, which hasn't happened in for ever. And then I had a surprise midterm which I got an 83 on, so I was happy. Anyway, so in that class is this girl I've been eyeing since the second semester. I notice our eyes keep meeting randomly, so by about the fourth time I shoot her a smile. She smiled back. Good sign, right? Heh. So anyway, after class, we're leaving together, and I ask her what she got. She tells me she got a 53, and bla bla bla, we started talking. When I left, she shot me a little wave, which was hella cool. Get this, though, her name was NATASHA! Freaky shit right there, hmm? It really is a piyt it's all just.. heh... an illusion. Excelsior. 5:54 p.m. - 2003-02-25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |