justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remorse is a dish best served with a side of fries BGM: "Copperhead Road" - Steve Earl So Nook and the Lozrut are no more. Or on a temporary hiatus at least, I'll keeep you all posted. My valentine's day was one huge anti-climax. Before I get into that, I'm going to tell you all my random thought of the day: It would be cool if I was a really good tap dancer. OK, back to real life. Or the closest thing I have to one, anyway. Life is but a dream, right? Friday I got the traditional, "I'm fucked up" speech, whoch might have actually been genuine, so there's no hard feelings there. The opposite sex bites ass. I went to Clyde's.... again... and flirted with Stacie and her crew, and drank. Slept at a friends house and passed out on his couch. I nearly gave his mother a heart attack. Yesterday I went to go to the war protest, but was too late, so I saw Daredevil instead. Interesting transition, I know. That movie was good, but horribly cast. Anyway, at night I went to this guy James' house party. It was a really lame party, but I drank way too much, so I dont remember a thing about it. I hear I was drinking vodka straight from the bottle for most of the night, though. That's roght, I'm that hardcore... or stupid, take your pick. Little from column a, little from column b, hmm? I would give you more details from the party, but I don't think I was there at the time. My psyche stepped out for a bit of air and a drink. It came back this morning to that dry mouth thing you get after drinking too much straight vodka. You know the one, where you're dehydrated, but everything you try to drink tastes oddly reminiscent of vodka? Ugh, shudder. Anyway, I should really get to bed. Got to be up early. Excelsior. 10:30 p.m. - 2003-02-16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |