justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denial ain't Just a River in Egypt BGM: "Saltydog" - Flogging Molly Salutations, true believers. I return from my brief hiatus with a seventy dollar debt and apoloigies to those of you who might have thought I was dead. As you can see, I'm not. I might have rathered death a couple times, but I'm ok. I woke up all ready to head up to my cottage for what might have been the greatest New Years party ever on December 30th, only to find out my parents have seen my marks. It was hell in my house for a bit, but at least they still let me have the party. I think what has happened now is that they're just so dissapointed and shocked that they're pretending it never happened. There's a lot to be said for denial, let me tell you. We should have tried this ages ago. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated. Anyway, so at the party, I got into a few fights with friends, but they all worked out in the end. One of my friends was mad at me for something another person said I had done, which I hadnt, so I got mad at her for saying that. Following me? Anyway, I yelled at her, and then at anopther of my friends who was being a jerk while I was at it, and subsequently felt much better. I must say, I'm going to have to try standing up for myself far more often, it was cool. The biggest revelation came to me right when the last person was leaving the place, though. A while ago, I realised I had a thing for a good friend of mine, who I'm sure wanted nothing to do with it. I gave up on it eventually, cause like I said, I knew she didn't want me back and I didn't want to rock the boat. New Years eve arrives, and I've invited a couple...promiscuous young ladies...to the party so that...well, so I could get laid. While I'm kissing one of them at the stroke of midnight, though, I catch ma belle staring at me through the corner of my eyes. I figure shes dissapointed that I'm with a ho..I mean promiscuous young lady. But then, as she's leaving, she gives me the look. You kow the look, it's that look you give someone that says "I want you to come over here and father/mother my children." This could prove rather interesting, I'd say. Then again, it could also prove to be my overactive imagination being a sadist. Oh well, only one way to find out. Excelsior. 8:31 a.m. - 2003-01-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |