justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Love My Boss ...but hate my job. Check this conversation: 'Hello, Tony's; bonjour, Tony's, your source for back to schoo--' 'Yeah, shut up, it's Nick.' 'Oh, hi. What's up?' 'Give me Giulio.' 'OK.' *hold music* 'Hi, Nicky.' 'Hi, Giulio.' 'You sick?' 'Uh, yeah.' 'In the head?' 'Yes, actually, I have a migraine.' 'Yeah, you mean a hangover.' 'No, no, I can work with a hangover, this is worse.' 'Sure, Nicky.' 'I came in yesterday, didn't I?' 'Yeah, I should have known two days in a row was too much for you.' 'Sorry, Giulio. Seriously. You know I need the hours.' 'OK, Nicky. Bye.' Now BACK TO SLEEP. 10:25 a.m. - 2009-08-07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |