justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go-Go-Gadget Drinker's-Remorse! Apparently I should get a twitter account, since I seem to have a fondness for logging on here at odd hours of the morning when I've had entirely too much to drink and writing tiny little updates of no real significance. Take note: brevity does not equal depth, young Mr. Yates. Look at me, I have a last name. I haven't really had much to say lately, as I've discovered my creativity is finite. I've been trying my hand at music making on the computer, and while I find it incredibly fun, it has been consuming all my creative urges that I normally reserve for you people. Ungrateful sods. But seriously, though, it really is a lot of fun. It's not as dependent on... well, you know, skill as playing actual instruments. If you have a good ear, the only thing limiting you is your ability to understand software, which I can totally do. I'm up to eleven songs of widely varying quality. On another note, school is done for the semester, and my upstairs neighbor can officially use his dishwasher without water falling through my ceiling, which is nice. The two events are not interconnected in any way, I just thought I'd get them both out of the way at once, since I don't really have that much to say about either. OK FINE. Stop pressuring me! The elephant in the room, I know. Yes, I met up with an ex last night. I was under the impression that it was to be a harmless meeting. Well, that's a lie, I'm no0t that stupid. I had myself convinced it was a harmless meeting because I still have strong feelings for her and she's hotter'n hell. We saw the movie, had a wee bit too much to drink, and ended up kissing. All bad ideas. After that, we talked, and I made my feelings clear. Worse idea. She claimed at the time to have seen the folly of her ways and share my feelings, which I really really wanted to believe, but again, I'm not as dumb as I wish I was, and I realize that those kinds of discussions mean less than nothing when the participants are over a certain blood alcohol level. Yes yes, I know what you're thinking. Such a shame, too. The boy had such potential. Excelsior. 11:57 a.m. - 2009-05-13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |