justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A step in the right direction I was having an insomniac night when my phone buzzed to life. It was a text from her room mate. Are you up? She wants to know. Yes. Is she with you? Obviously, no she was not. Shouldn't she be with you? I ask. Why would she come to me? A million possibilities fill my mind. Finally, phone rings. It's her. She wants me to know she's fine, she had just gone for a walk because she was drunk and angry and her room mate flipped out. She doesn't sound happy to be on the phone with me. Is everything OK? I ask. Fine. What were you angry about? Oh, nothing. She shouldn't have woken you. Her tone makes it clear its really none of my business in her mind. And all of a sudden, it feels like ancient history. An hour ago it was so fresh I could smell her. And then I spoke to her on the phone and it was so different and awkward, and hearing her voice was not the same as I remembered it, and suddenly the whole relationship feels like it happened a year ago. I'm sure I'll still miss her tomorrow. Hell, I still miss her now. But maybe that will help. 5:38 a.m. - 2008-06-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |