justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I should have gotten his number You know what I've always wondered? What the hell is an 'eng'? I mean, you have Eng-land, the land of engs, and Eng-lish, the language of engs. So what in god's name is an Eng? Ironically enough, I don't think it's an english word. So I went to the Agora last night. If you know what the Agora is, you're most likely laughing. It's a gay kareoke bar. I'm not gay, but one of my friends is, and she went to go meet people there. I came with, cause you know me, I'm always up for anything involving music and booze. I sang a few songs once I was drunk enough, and tried very hard not to make eye contact with the old man who kept gyrating and thrusting his pelvis at me. Other than that, though, a good time was had by all. Oh, and the best part? I dragged Goldberg along with me. Excelsior. 1:27 p.m. - 2003-07-21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |