justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10, 000 Lemmings can't be wrong BGM: "...Small Town" - Pearl Jam First off let me say that if you don't like Pearl Jam, or at least appreciate the fact that they are some of the most tealented musicians in the industry today, stop reading right now, and never speak to me again. Thanks. Anyway, now that all that unpleasantness is over with, on to the day's issues. I miss Ginny. I know it's my fault that we don't keep in touch, but I've just been so damn busy lately... he says as he sits in front of his computer screen idly. OK, well it seemed like I've been busy. Anyway, I really do miss her. I just hope that she still remembers who I am, and isn't mad at me or anything. I think I'll call her soon. Can't get enough of that girl. "I just want to scream/hello/ My god it's been too long/never dreamed you'd return/but now here you are/and here I am." Hearts and thoughts, they fade away. Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. I got myself the bootleg from the Montreal concert, and I've fallen in love all over agin. Oh, and Alex. I saw Blue Man Group on Broadway when I was about 12 or so. Aren't they awesome? Excelsior. 9:02 p.m. - 2003-07-11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |