justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nostalgia to my inner child BGM: "Drink Drank Punk" - Antiflag I've spent the day today playing with myself. Not like that, you sick sick person you. I've been nurturing my inner child. I've been listenning to stupid music I loved back when I was like 12 and jumping on couches and breaking things, and just generally being a nuisance to my parents. It's been fantastically fun, I must say. It makes me want to go hang out at the mall again. God, I was a mallrat. That was odd, in retrospect, because none of us had any money to spend. I guess we just went to throw pennies at people, and steal things from the dollar store, and just make our mama's boy suburbanite selves feel like rebels, or delinquents or something like that. And then we started drinking, and we would do the same thing, only we'd laugh harder and get caught a lot more. It was just as good. I would love a beer right now. But part of my quasi-straight-edgedness is no drinking before Friday, even if it's just one beer. If I can keep all this up until midterm, I'll be so proud of myself. Anyway, I'm going to go play with a tennis ball and sing really loud. Excelsior. 9:16 p.m. - 2003-02-06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |