justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scar Tissue BGM: "Clumsy" - Our Lady Peace Is there any moment of greater introspect than a solitary bus ride at 4:30am? That's one of the mixed blessings about being a teenage boy who dresses slightly indie, most people just assume you're bad news and just leave you alone. It's a slight comfort to know that in a world like this, I AM one of the scary people. It's a crappy feeling when you realise that a good half of your emotional scar-tissue is melodrama. I kinda think that's the case with a lot of people, though. I suppose that's the curse of being a pathalogical liar. You lie so much that sometimes you start to forget which stories are true and which aren't. I think maybe that's why I wanted to start this, a place to go to be honest with the world. It's much easier to tell the truth on paper. Any of you who aren't quite as geeked out as I am, just stop reading now, because I'm going to now discuss The Lord of the Rings. OK, don't say I didn't warn you. Prepare to get your geek on. So I saw the second movie at some sneak preview type dealie, and at first I was dissapointed. They just changed too much stuff from the book, damnit. But the ore I think about it, the more I agree with the changes they made. Anyway, I won't spoil anything, but suffice it to say Legolas is HARDCORE. I want to sit down and drink a 40 wth him. Him and Patrick Stewart. You know that would be amazing. Excelsior. 3:34 p.m. - 2002-12-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |