justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Boot and Mr. Knee; gone but not forgotten BGM: "Down" - Pearl Jam I'm sorry, Tom. I really am. I love you like a brother, and I wish you knew that. I thought you did, I thought it went unsaid. I know I should call more, and I should let you know that I think of you, and I want you to be happy. I've just never been very good at discussing my emotions. The important ones, anyway. I'll call you, and I'll try to get it all out. But it's just too damn hard to tell people what Im feeling anymore. I've repressed so much emotion that it scares me to let it out sometimes. I had to be the strong one for my family, I couldn't just start crying, or being angry. It was too selfish. Fuck me, man, life is too much to deal with sometimes. Well, the last 10 hours aside, my weekend was awesome. I havent goofed off like that in ages. Or eaten that much. I wont give you the details, cause I dont feel like typing that much, but suffice it to say I wish there had been a camera around this weekend. Excelsior. 2:52 p.m. - 2003-08-17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |