justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And lo, the prodigal son returneth BGM: "Du Gamla Du Fria" - Some Swedish guys I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Swedes are fucked up. My aunt would disown me for that, she's a swede you see. So is my....we'll call him my boss... Kim. Your people are weird, Kim. And you have a girl's name, I don't care what country you're from. We watched a movie from Sweden called "Fucking Amal" about the coming of age of two are-they-or-aren't-they lesbians in class today. It was done by the Dogma Manifesto, which basically means no artificial lighting, sounds, or anything remotely interesting, really. No, I'm being too harsh. It's just that this particular director had the lighting skills of a pregnant orangatan. Even I didn't get that one. I'm just sub-referencing for the hell of it now. I am totally non homophobic, as any of my friends will tell you, but I am getting annoyed with the flood of gay pride information that keeps being forced upon me. My film crit teacher is gay, you see, and while this normally would not be an issue in the least, he insists on only showing gay pride motivational films. That's like a jew teacher only showing us fiddler on the roof, over and over and over again. Oy Vey. Every once and a while, I'll do something that will remind me of just how utterly fucked up of a neurotic mess I am. My apologies to all parties involved. Excelsior. 5:59 p.m. - 2003-01-29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |