justnick's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like that the first paper to bear my name is vaguely phalic You knwo what's fucked up? The word "knwo". You know what else is fucked up? Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face. Yep. The right-leaning Vice-President of the United States of America shot a man in the head. ...and has a lesbian daughter. ...and California elected the guy from Jingle all the way. You guys are fucked up. You will not believe the last few days I've had, people. Saturday morning, woke up, went to the muslim cartoon thing protest early to get an interview with the organiser, covered the protest (scrums are hellish, it was my first one) stayed until everyone was gone, in case the protesters rioted when cops told them to leave, compared notes with the photog and editor, got a statement from the police media relations lady, did the protest article, submitted the protest article, worked on an oral presentation, went to bed. yes, on a saturday. Sunday, woke up, went to school, yes on a sunday, worked on the audio from the protest until-get this-midnight, went home, worked on the script, went to bed. Woke up today, went to school, did the oral presentation, finished editing the audio, finished writing the script, did it over again twice because of computer difficulties, skipped dinner to help a classmate finishe HER script, went to radio class, did a pop-quiz, came home, collapsed. Can you fucking believe that shit? My old boss from Tony's would have a heart attack. This program is a 24/7 job sometimes, I swear to god. And what do I have to show for it? An article in a paper with a circulation of less than 10 000, a 3 minute radio doc that will never see the light of day after marking, and a broken brain-muscle. Oh, and there's another thing, depending on if you believe in karma or not. My dad won some money in Vegas and decided to split it with the family, so I got 5 c-notes in my account today out of nowhere. And trust me, my account needed it. All the same, though, go pick up a copy of L'Organe if you're anywhere around Concordia in the next little bit. Check out my stunning print deut. And as of Wednesday, I'm on break for a week and a bit. I plan on doing nothing remotely constructive or of any value to society. Excelsior. 12:03 a.m. - 2006-02-14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |